Dating as far back as the Bible, wheat—a staple food known as the staff of life—was often eaten at every meal. In 2015, much has changed. Wheat, while still very much a staple ingredient in our diet, is stripped of all nutrients during the culling and bleaching processes. Variation on the now genetically altered grain is cause and culprit to most chronic illnesses that are plaguing the peoples in this nation. The flour we cook with, bake with, eat isn't really flour.  This manufactured 'flour' clogs and binds the system, limiting the body's ability to function effectively.

In my forthcoming book, A Nation of People That Don’t Know What to Eat, I thought it necessary given our fixation with flour to dedicate three chapters on the subject. The 'flour' used in bread, hamburger buns, rolls, cakes, pastries and other manufactured goods, items most if not all of us consume daily, are void of vital nutrients and this creates and can be linked to most of our health problems.

Short of removing wheat products from your diet, what is the alternative? A Montana based company, Montana Wheat, manufactures the richest source of wheat on the market. I’m proud to say that Healthy Garden Health Center has been carrying this product for eight years. 
